Wednesday, November 27, 2013


There was a family
In the town where I grew up
They lived just down the road
And they did not have much
Every year at Christmas time
Daddy would get two trees
He put one up in our house
And the neighbors down the street
They had three little girls at home
Mama went shopping for
With five kids of her own to tend
What were a couple more

Our Parents always taught us
You share what you have
You might think your life is grim
But some have it twice as bad
You need to be a Godly person
Love all, that’s why we’re here
Don’t just give at Christmas
Christmas comes but once a year

That little family
Who lived down the road from us
Shared their garden treasures
Always claimed they had enough
All us kids grew up and left
We still visit and send cards
Three young ladies remembered
Who was there when times were hard
One of them became a doctor
She was there when it was time
Took care of Mama, then Daddy
And she didn't charge a dime

~~~*Lyrical Bridge*~~~
Think of others, not just yourselves
Be a giving soul, help each other out
It all comes back around, and envelopes you
Do it the whole year through
For all you teach your children, make them hear
Christmas only comes but once a year

Our Parents always taught us
You share what you have
You might think your life is grim
But some have it twice as bad
You need to be a Godly person
Love all, that’s why we’re here
Don’t just give at Christmas
Christmas comes but once a year

Teresa Lynn Johnson
Copyright© 2013

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