Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I didn't do my hair or put on a dress
Showed up for dinner looking like a mess
Mom opened her door, asked...what is this
I said nothing that a little time off won't fix

I don't remember what sleeping is

And no one wanted to watch the kids
They called them monsters and spoiled brats
Who wants to deal with the likes of that

Oh, I called their Dad, and he came this time

Brought reinforcement in his child bride
Yeah, she had the nerve to look like a doll
You're lucky that I showed up at all

~~~*1st Chorus*~~~
My kids are a blessing
But no downhill coast
I'm a cook and a maid
A chauffeur and coach
A teacher and a doctor
Full time referee
A guidance counselor
Do it all for free
It's rough at the bottom
With so much on top
Lord I need a break

Now you know why my hair's not fixed
Your blind date dinner wasn't on my list
He might as well meet me... just like I am
If it's not good enough...then he's not my man
Don't blame the situation on my kids
It wasn't anything, that they ever did
You think their Dad got tired of being last
Well his new model...won't wear out so fast
Hey, he's the reason it gets this bad
I shouldn't have to be the Mom and Dad
The only help, from him, I've ever asked
Is to be a man, and pick up the slack 

~~~*2nd Chorus*~~~
My kids are a blessing
But no downhill coast
I'm a cook and a maid
A chauffeur and coach
A teacher and a doctor
Full time referee
A guidance counselor
Do it all for free
It's rough at the bottom
With so much on top
Wanna give me a break

I really have to hand it to my Mom
He's a pediatrician, and a chef for fun
I called the ex, and told him life is sweet
And that I'd be home in about two weeks

~~~*3rd Chorus*~~~
Your kids are a blessing
But no downhill coast
You're a cook and a maid
A chauffeur and coach
A teacher and a doctor
Full time referee
A guidance counselor
Baby now you're me
It's rough at the bottom
With so much on top
I'm taking a break
Teresa Lynn Johnson
Copyright © 2012  

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